Which Marketing Strategy Offers the Best ROI?

No matter what marketing avenue you choose, there are three letters looming large over your entire campaign: ROI. Your goal is to maximize your return while minimizing costs. If you can do that, your campaign is a success. But which marketing strategy will offer the best ROI? The answer is based on a few different factors: How to Define ROI: It’s not always clear
Your Guide to Holiday SEO Best Practices

SEO Best Practices Can Be Your Ticket to a Successful Season From retail and digital goods to travel and shipping, just about every business vertical sees an uptick towards the end of the year. To make the most of those sweet holiday sales, though, you first need to get traffic to your site, and when the crunch is on, you don’t want to be
Chargebacks911 Review

Chargebacks911 Review: The Most Notable Niche Business Ever? Achieving success in the business world is always a challenge, but for entrepreneurs who enter a niche market, the process is even more difficult. From a marketing standpoint, I enjoy the unique challenges of branding a business with a very specific area of expertise. That’s why I jumped at the chance to work with Chargebacks911. For
What is PPC?

What is PPC—and Why Your Business Needs It A few months back, we brought you an article about what is SEM–or Search Engine Marketing. Just to refresh your memory, SEM encompasses all paid online marketing techniques that are intended to boost a business’s visibility. Now we have another useful online marketing acronym to share with you: PPC. In this post, we’ll cover what is
Tri Fold Brochure Design

Tri Fold Brochure Design and Copywriting Tips A successful print marketing campaign depends on two crucial aspects: the design and the copywriting. These key components are woven together, one dependent on the other to the point it is nearly impossible to separate the two. This unique relationship is most obvious in brochures. The strategic placement of elements and content can be tricky to master.
Open Source Web Design

What is Open Source Web Design (And How Do I Choose a CMS)? In today’s tech-driven world, having an online presence is essential. But creating a website is a chore few people relish. In fact, if you’ve looked into the idea, you’ve probably come across several terms you don’t understand. And if you can’t understand the terms, how on earth are you going to follow
Business Brochure Design

Best Business Brochure Design Tips You’re probably reading this article because you want your business brochure design to produce as much ROI as possible. Don’t worry; we’ve got the tips you’ll need. But there is something else to consider as you craft the ultimate print marketing tool: impressions. What impression will your brochure make? Both the cost associated with your brochure’s production and the
Seven Virtues of Minimalist Web Design

Just like cologne, less is more when it comes to web design. We’ve all been trapped in an elevator with the guy who doused himself in cheap fragrance; an overloaded website is just as painful. As tempting as it may be to add just one more image or experiment with another font, the overall effect of your website will be greatly enhanced if you
What is SEM?

Search Engine Marketing The marketing world revolves around an insane amount of acronyms. Those who aren’t industry insiders can easily become confused. Heck, even some of us “in-the-know” struggle to keep up. SEM is one of those unnecessarily perplexing terms. On the surface, it seems it should be easy to define “Search Engine Marketing,” but it really isn’t. And the confusion results from one
Brochure Design Company

Should You Hire a Brochure Design Company? Most people acknowledge they need help when it comes to certain marketing tasks. For example, acronyms like SEO and HTML can easily scare people away from web design and online marketing. But designing and printing a brochure…that’s child’s play, right? Anyone with a computer can manage that. Or can they? Here are five reasons why you