Brochure Design Company
Should You Hire a Brochure Design Company?
Most people acknowledge they need help when it comes to certain marketing tasks. For example, acronyms like SEO and HTML can easily scare people away from web design and online marketing. But designing and printing a brochure…that’s child’s play, right? Anyone with a computer can manage that. Or can they? Here are five reasons why you should work with a brochure design company.

Brochure & Mailer Graphic Designs
See a small sample of our creative and effective brochure & mailer designs
1. You Don’t Have the Required Knowledge
Design is a developed skill, not a hobby. It takes technical, creative, and artistic prowess. True designers have years of training and experience. They’ve mastered the psychology of color, shape, and symmetry. They understand consumers’ thought patterns. They write effective sales copy. Additionally, by consulting a design professional and getting a second opinion, you’ll be introduced to new ideas and techniques—things you might not have considered on your own. You might be capable of producing something that looks nice and shares sufficient information about your company. But a brochure design company will make sure the final product looks amazing—and produces results.
2. You Have Too Much Unnecessary Knowledge
As a business owner, you are heavily invested in your company. You know the ins and outs. You know everything there is to know about your products and services. In fact, you know your company better than anyone else ever could. As a result, you probably think you are the best person to market your abilities since you know them so well. Unfortunately, that extensive knowledge could actually be a hindrance. For example, if a dentist sat down to compose his own brochure, he might wax poetic about fixed prosthetic devices, fixed removable dentures, and the removal of the tooth’s pulp. On the other hand, if a brochure design company took the wheel, the publication would explain crowns, bridges, and root canals—phrases that are much easier for the average consumer to understand. A design professional can break through the industry jargon and better reach consumers with straightforward, clear, and concise explanations.
3. You Don’t Have the Time
Quality brochure design takes time. The process involves outlining, sketching, writing, editing and much more. You’re running a business. How do you expect to tackle one more time-consuming project?! You might think it advantageous to save some money. After all, the page layout software that’s already been downloaded on your computer is free. But how much is your time worth? Spending hours trying to manipulate the brochure until it’s just right will take much longer than you expected. Your time could be better spent bringing more money to the company. A brochure design company usually employees a team of highly trained designers and copywriters. Since design is their sole responsibility, the professionals have plenty of time to devote to your project. Plus, each team member has a specialized skill set, meaning multiple people can be working on the project at the same time. That means the brochure design company can get the project done much quicker and more efficient that you could on your own. You can put your brochure to work much sooner and start earning money from it right away.
4. You Don’t Have the Necessary Tools
A brochure is an integral part of your branding technique. You want consumers to recognize you and your company right away. It’s hard to stand out from the crowd with a clipart logo or a template-generated design that is the same as 10 other DIYers in your niche. Even if you did manage to find the skills and time to put together a brochure, you definitely don’t have the necessary printing equipment. Quality printing is one of the most influential factors in brochure marketing. If you send out brochures on cheap paper with streaks from your inferior printer, consumers will assume the services and products you provide are just as substandard. And what about folding? Have you considered which employee is going to be tasked with folding enough tri-fold brochures to distribute at the next industry event you attend?!
5. You Might Not Be Consistent
One of the most significant factors in branding is consistency. If there is too much diversity in the colors, message or even fonts, your various marketing tools won’t present a united force. The consumer is never going to be able to distinguish your company from the others in your industry. Your brochure design is just one piece in the marketing puzzle—and it needs to fit in properly. A brochure design company will take even the smallest details into consideration. The design professionals will be able to work with what you already have and create an innovative brochure design that is consistent with your branding efforts. Often times, a brochure design company can help with other areas of your marketing campaign. An all-inclusive design firm can help you avoid bad web design, embrace online marketing and even ensure your other print materials do their part.

Brochure & Mailer Graphic Designs
See a small sample of our creative and effective brochure & mailer designs
Are You Ready for Professional Help?
Are you convinced? Are you ready to work with a Clearwater brochure design company? Still have questions about the design and printing process? Subtle Network Design & Marketing is comprised of a team of qualified marketing professionals. We can help you craft the perfect brochure for your company. Our projects are executed quickly and most importantly—economically. Contact us today to discuss your next brochure design project.